Knights Templar
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Random blog day boo yah. As you should know Fridays is random blog day were we talk anything and everything and pretty much run with it. Today's blog is on the Knights Templar.
The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon also known as the Order of Solomon's temple or simply the Knights Templar was once a Catholic military order that was both popular and wealthy amongst Western Christianity. They were originally founded in 1119 with their headquarters in Jerusalem being on Temple mount, The order existed for near two centuries during the middle ages.
The order was officially enforced by the Roam Catholic church for most of their existence with several Papal Bull's including the Papal Bull Omne Datum Optimum of Pope Innocent 2nd, this made the order a favoured charity throughout Christendom which helped them grow in membership and power. The Templars wore distinctive white mantles with a red cross over their armour and were usually amongst the best and admittedly skilled fighting units during the crusades. What helped The order was their prominence in Christian finance and several non-combatant members supposedly up to 90% of the order managed a financial infrastructure that stretched across Europe and into the holy land that can be considered an early form of banking. Thanks to having 1,000 commanderies and fortifications across the continent it could be arguably be the worlds first multinational corporation.
In the mid 12th century, the tide began turning against the crusades, The Islamic world was becoming more unified under effective leaders such as Saladin the first sultan of Egypt and Syria, Christian fractions became more erratic with each other and in the holy land itself. Even the Knights Templar were often at odds with fellow Fractions such as the Knights Hospitaller and Teutonic Knights, such feuds weakened Their positions both politically and militarily and thanks to several unsuccessful campaigns Saladin and several Muslim forces recaptured Jerusalem in 1187. In 1299 the holy Roman emperor Fredrick the 2nd retook Jerusalem without the Templars help however he only held it for under a decade. Western control only returned to Jerusalem during WW1.
During the 1200's The Templars slowly lost their footing and various strongholds in the holy land eventually making their headquarters on the Island of Cyprus. However by1302/1303, the Templars lost the island to the Egyptian Mamluk Sultanate in the siege of Arwad and with loosing the Island they lost their last foothold in the Holy land.
With their Military mission now less important, the Templars support began to dwindle. The situation was complex however due to having existed for near two hundred years The Templars had a footing across Christendom, which gave them a widespread presence at the local level. Many Europeans had contract with the Templars through various ways either by working at a Templar owned farm or vineyard or using their banks to store finances and personal valuables. Despite their mission no longer being clear The Templars still had an army that could pas through boarders without issue making many tense situations with state leaders and leading nobility. It didn't help the Templars wanted to find their own monastic state like their fellows the Teutonic Knights (The order of brothers of the German house of Saint Mary in Jerusalem – formed/founded in 1190 to aid in travel to the holy land and build hospitals-) had done in Prussia and the Baltic and the Knights Hospitaller (The order of the Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem- formed/founded in 1099) were doing in Rhodes.
In 1305 Pope Clement the 5th sent letters to the Templars and the Knights Hospitaller with the request that their orders could possibly merge, however both leaders were not inclined tot he idea. Pope Clement continued with the requesting the idea. Eventually a meeting was arranged between the three men with De Molay arriving in 1307 but Fulk De Villaret was delayed. Whilst waiting for De Villaret, Clement and De Molay discussed criminal charges put forwards by and ousted Templar that had caught the interest of King Phillip the 4th of France and his ministers. Whilst De Molay stated they were false, Clement ended up sending word to Philip requesting some assistance. According to rumors Phillip having owed the Templars quite a bit of money decided as a way to free himself from the debt to jump on the rumour band waggon and insisted the rumours were true.
On Friday the 13th of March 1307 (Supposedly the reason why Friday 13th was considers bad), King Phillip ordered the arrest of De Molay and various other French Templars to be arrested, The arrest warrant supposedly started with “God is not pleased, we have enemies of the faith in the kingdom” the claims included homosexuality, worshipping idols, spitting on the cross and denying Christ. These allegations were no doubt highly politicised and bore similar points to allegations made against other groups such as the Jews, supposed witches and heretics. Phillips men produced numerous confessions from Templars supporting the rumors however most if not all were produced under Torture especially from De Molay. Which pushed Phillip to hound Pope Clement in shutting down the Templars for good. Clement met him halfway and asked for all the heads of state to arrest and question Templars in their own countries under Pape hearings to gain more insight. During this time having been freed of the tourers many Templars recanted their confessions and pleaded innocence. Luckily a few had enough legal experience to defend themselves through trials. BUT during 1310 having had Phillipe de Marigny the archbishop of sens to lead the investigation, King Philip blocked the investigation and began burning dozens of Templars at the stake. Using the previously forced confessions as a means to do so.
Pope Clement finally relented and agreed to disband the order after Phillip threatened military action the the pope cited public scandal generated by the confessions as the reason and by 1312, he issued a series of Papel bulls during the Council of Vienne which officially disbanded the order (Vox in Excelso) and turned most of their assets (Ad Providam) to the Hospitallers
As for the leaders of the Order The Elderly Grand Master Jacques De Molay and Geoffride Charney Preceptor of Normandy, both men having made confessions and retracted them. Both men were proclaimed as relapsed heretics and sentenced to being burned alive in Paris, France on March 18th 1314. According to legend. De Molay asked to be burned facing Notre Dame Cathedral with hands tied together in prayer as he burned he called aloud that both Pope Clement and King Phillip would meet him before god. Pope Clement died a month later and King Phillip died later on the same year whilst hunting.
The remaining Templars in Europe were either arrested and tried before being absorbed into other Catholic Military orders or pensioned off ad allowed to live in relative peace until they died. By papal degree All of The Templars property was transferred to the Knights Hospitaller except those of Castile, Aragon and Portugal. Portugal was the Templars second seat of settlement after Jerusalem, even having a footing in Portugal's creation. As such King Denis the 1st of Portugal refused to pursue and persecute the former Templars as had happened in various different countries under Catholic Churches control. Under Denis's protection various Templars groups rebranded to The Order of Christ and to The Supreme order of Christ of the holy see. Both are considered the Knights Templars successors.
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